Sunday, December 11, 2011

Almsot New Year!

Oh me! Oh my! I haven'y posted since May 23rd. I'm sorry loves.

Well lets play catch up! I have not fallen off the natural hair journey. My last relaxer was March 15th and my last chemical hair color was April 29th. Since then i've been braiding and twisting my hair. From September to November, my box braided my hair. It was so convenient for me to just wake up and go. I think I may be going back that route.

Since taking down my braids two weeks ago, I've tried to use heat as least as possible. I blow dry my hair right after I wash because it's too cold to sit around with a cold head. But my new best favorite product is the transition kit by Shea Moisture. I love love love it. Check it out!

well until next time... Later LOVES

Monday, May 23, 2011


Ok I know this has nothing to do with my hair health but this has everything to do with my health.

This past week has been eye opening for me. I've pretty much been lied on, and my entire family has been the subject of someone's assumptions. I was pretty much so consumed with anger that the person's name merely set me off or a showcase of their habits merely set me ablaze. But I've learned to let it go. I forgive them whether they realize they did something wrong or don't even care if they did something ill mannered. 

I'm learning that I need to speak up. I can't allow people to continuously to walk over me because in the end I am the only still thinking about the issue. 

On another note, I hate to see people I love in terrible situations and relationships. I don't know if its love, rebellion, or if they are in it for the company but sometimes its just painful to see what they don't. I know I've never been in a relationship, never experienced love but come on! Some things are just clear as day!


Lauren has nothing to worry about accept for the planning of her 21st birthday June 10 & 11 and starting school on August 30th 2011! Letting go of all the mess.

Today, May 23, 2011, regardless of what happened last week or even yesterday, I woke up grateful, with a smile on my face.

Later LOVES!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Hello Loves

Hello all. I told you I wouldn't leave you waiting so long for a new post

I never told you about my Henna disappointment.

Well I ordered a henna kit from and I was mega excited. So I waited and waited for its arrival. When it got here I was like "Ooh I'm gonna do this today" I began reading the box and directions and to may dismay the box read "DO NOT USE ON CHEMICALLY TREATED HAIR." I could've cried. That was two months ago and I haven't colored my hair.

April 24th was Easter and on Friday night I deep conditioned my hair. This was the first time I deep conditioned since February. Sad and shameful I know! Saturday I washed and blow dried my hair. It then braided the front and flat ironed and pin curled the back.

I think I am going to break down and color my hair with a previously purchased product I mentioned in an earlier post. I'm just ready for something new and different but I'm broke so I gotta use what I have.

Later you LOVES

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Hello ALL! 

I am so so sorry for the neglect for these past TWO MONTHS.... Shame on me. :( 
OK so these past two months have been surprisingly hectic yet mellow. If you don't know, I am in graphic design and right now I am putting together a souvenir book for a play in April. I have also done the shirt design, posters, flyers, and CD coverlet as well as other projects outside of the play. 

I have to say that I have sort of neglected my hair. On March 16th, I went to a stylist, who is my cousin. She is getting her license in June. I did get a touch up. and I used the same brand, same strength. "PINK" She simply relaxed and curled my hair with ceramic flat irons. I was so ecstatic LOL

From then on I was pin curling my hair at night and just using oil sheen and occasionally used coconut oil conditioner or my Africa's Best.

This is just a quick update. I have been sick for the past few weeks so keep me in your prayers.

Always be blessed and strive to be a better you!
(I promise the next post won't be so far) =))

Friday, February 25, 2011


So in a couple of days I will be posting my second length check. I have decided that I will be coloring my hair (403 Auburn Soft Sheen Carson). I"m on the fence about it because my hair doesn't take to color. I need a booster. I'm even thinking of trying henna hair dye in the future and see if it works better for me. I have also been doing a lot of shedding lately.. :(( Any suggestions on what I should do? 

well until later be blessed!!!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Length Check

Silly Me! I forgot to post my length check. 
I cut my hair the end of August and so my hair is uneven on every end. LOL.

Now here is my months length check on January 27, 2011!

First Post

So here I am with my first post. I'll be telling you what I did and what products I used.

 From October 31, 2010 to December 6, 2010 I had worn my hair in twists. 
I had these for 10/31/10 - 12/06/10
I had many Styles with my twists
And from December 10, 2010 to January 12, 2011 I wore my hair in micro braids. Regretfully from my constant tugging on my hair, I was pulling out my hair. So I had to take my hair down earlier than I would have liked. 
This was they Day I got Braided up.
I had Numersous styles and freedom with these braids
While I my hair was braided and twisted every other day, I used 
I only washed my hair when I took down my styles.
 So on Tuesday January 18, 2011, I gave myself a relaxer. It was my first relaxer since September 2010. I used Luster's Pink Brand Olive Oil Relaxer.

After I relaxed and washed my hair, I blow dried and flat ironed my hair. Everyday I put olive oil in my hair because my hair gets dry and dull. Oh let me state that I have 4B type hair so my hair is really coarse at times. 10 days later, I deep conditioned my hair with my own little mixture.
Here are a list of products I used:
Organic Root Stimulater Olive Oil Replenishing Conditioner
Herbal Essence Hello Hydration Moisturizing Conditioner
Olive Oil 
Queen Helene Ginseng & Tea Tree Oil Treatment
Pantene ProV Relaxed & Natural Daily oil Moisturizer
I left this concoction in about 3 hours. Before I rinse I detangle, then shampoo with Herbal Essence Hello Hydration Shampoo and conditioner. I towel dried and before I blow dried my hair I added 
Got2B CrazySleek Blow Dry & Flat Iron Lotion as heat protectant.

Afterwards I oil my scalp with Africa's Best Maximum Strength Super Grow Hair & Scalp Conditioner and sleep in a satin cap. I don't usually flat iron my hair directly after blow drying so I did that the day after. 

See Ya!!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Welcome aboard!!!

Hello All. 
Welcome to my hair & health journey. 
The other day my cousin gave me the idea to measure the length of my hair the same day every month. And I thought to myself Hmmm... Why not blog my journey? I am currently unemployed and on break from school so now more than ever is the best time to do this, especially it being the beginning of the year.

I am 20 years old and an entreprenuer with my graphic design business FOKISED GRAFIX! I am going to be blogging as often as possible but at least once month on length check day. 

I hope you enjoy this blog and give me feedback and suggestions. PLEASE! lol

Be Blessed
Young L.O.V.E