Tuesday, February 25, 2014

CommitmentPhobia; It's a real thing

Albert Einstein defines Insanity as "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" 

Now as I have stated in my previous post, I'm a commitment-phobe. I believe the only things I have committed to are Graphic Design, Choir, and Praise Dancing. I'm trying, I really am. 

I want to do so much in life. I want to succeed in things I am passionate about, I want to live a healthier lifestyle, I want to be a good person. I want to live and love myself and others without regrets, and I want to accept and grow from my mistakes without being so critical of myself because I AM MY OWN BIGGEST CRITIC

“I am my own biggest critic. Before anyone else has criticized me, I have already criticized myself. But for the rest of my life, I am going to be with me and I don't want to spend my life with someone who is always critical. So I am going to stop being my own critic. It's high time that I accept all the great things about me.”― C. JoyBell C.

That is my goal for this month (until my next post & beyond,) not being so critical of myself. As I look for employment, knowing that I am good enough, knowing that I CAN make things happen and continuing to put myself out there even after hearing NO or no reply at all.
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. 

Philippians 4:13

Some may say that the scripture is cliche but its true and I believe the Bible to Be the Inspired and Only Infallible Written Word of God.


In other news...
This weekend, my aunt, sister, cousins and myself had our annual Girl's Weekend. Though we were, a couple bodies short, we gained a couple new ones. It was quite enjoyable. It felt good just to be around them and laugh, shop, talk and cook. I like cooking (hate doing dishes though). It felt awesome being together, unfiltered and uninterrupted (expect a certain someone having to go to work Saturday Morning.) Good times, good stuff. Love those ladies.

Anywho. Later Loves,
Until Next Time 


  1. I guess im that person huh??? lol I'll make sure i have those days off next time...lol...

    But girllllll you and I were in the same boat...I learned to think outside the box and be my own individual...I probably could even say i stunted my own growth because I am battling my fear of REJECTION...BUT when i feel that fear rising up...I quote 2 Timothy 1:7 "God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, love, and of a sound mind"...and watch how God works! It wasn't until I did my 21 day journal to Jesus when I realized that I REALLY needed to face it head on....and what happened soon after that???? I got a job...and you know the rest! lol

    1. Now you know! Lol

      But whats crazy is today I woke up and started a daily bible lesson on ubdavid.org, because personally I know my relationship with God is lacking because of no one but myself. So I'm trying it, wake up, stretch, turn on some music, do a lesson and work out.

      Thanks for sharing
