Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Who is She?

Who is she? Who is that? Those are constant whispers that she hears as she walks by.

What they see is just an outer shell.
She was years of self doubt and low self-esteem.
She was the victim of bullying and self hatred.
She was midnight cries and puffy eyes.
She was brokenhearted and alone.
She is years of being told she is beautiful but not believing a word.

But one night she heard a still small voice.
A voice that was so small but so powerful and confirming.
This voice told her what she knew deep down.
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart;..." Jeremiah 1:5
"What you are going through is just a minor part of what I have planned for you..." Jeremiah 29:11
She breathed a sigh of relief because

She isn't alone, For He will never leave her or forsake her.
She isn't lucky, she's graced.
So she walks with an air of confidence.
She's confident in HIS word.
She is a dreamer and her gift will make room...

So as they whisper "who is she?"
She can finally say I am happy and it exudes through my smile.
No past hurts bind me.
No loss defines me.
No more self doubt can consume me.
For His mercies are new every morning.
She is blessed.

Lauren Drew ™ copyrighted 2016