Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Ups and The Downs

Hello Peeps!

It's nearing the end of March and for the past few days, I've been wondering what in the world am I going to write.

I can honestly say, this month worked out pretty well. I COMMITTED to myself to wake up every day and MOVE. Work out, eat something good. And I kept it up for a while.... until I got sick. Some of my sick days I did manage to still get up and move, which did make me feel better while other days my body was just straight week.

BUT in those days of eating well and moving my body, I managed to lose 4 lbs. I was too geeked!  After my cold passed, my headaches started.

If you know me, or if you'd like to, I've been having really bad headaches for over a year now. These headaches make me nauseous, groggy, dizzy, and make me feel just plain ole TERRIBLE! Some days, I stayed in bed, no computer with the TV on super low. Other days I just wanted to cry. In my staying in bed and doing nothingness I gained back those 4 lbs plus some. WHOMP WHOMP WHOOOOOOOMP!!!!

If I could wish for my life to be perfect, it would be tempting, but I would have to decline, for life would no longer teach me anything.
Allyson Jones

Seeing that my work is done on the computer, I'd just do what needed to be done and then shut it down. I hate this feeling. So I finally broke down and made a doctors appointment which was today (3/25). My doctor wants me to see an ophthalmologist (eyes) and a neurologist (brain). Sounds scary but it needs to be done.

It is my desire and my prayer to become a healthier me. Spiritually, Mentally and Physically! I think I say that every post but it's what I NEED! Will y'all pray with and for a sister!

The biggest human temptation is to settle for too little.
Thomas Merton 

Until Next time!