Tuesday, June 5, 2012

May Update

So I've been requested to update you all on my MAY. I've been so busy with my blog for my class that I've forgotten all about my hair journey blog. If you are interested in what I have to say over there please be so kind and visit my Graphic Design Blog.

But any who, my May hair journal is pretty bland. I didn't really put much effort into my hair. I washed every two weeks instead of the normal once a week. I wore the front twisted or braided and the back was a twist out. It was a struggle to remember to keep my hair moisturized and with the seasons changing I am on the prowl for good summer oils and moisturizers.

Remember the last post? You know, about the color fail? Well, it wasn't a complete fail. People love my color. The only problem is you can really only see it is sunlight or really good indoor lighting. I won't complain though. Even with it being a boxed color, my hair has not dried out, broken off, shed excessively, or stopped growing.

I think I am very proud of myself for sticking with my natural transitioning. my hair is so much thicker and healthier than it has ever been with relaxers.

Well that will be all for now!!!

Late L.O.V.E.S!!! :)